We offer unique services providing personalized training in the privacy of your home, on your schedule

Our mission is to help families provide effective caregiving to create a higher quality of life for all

Virtual home safety

Virtual driver safety

Caregiver coaching

Virtual Home Safety Consultation

We remotely observe your loved one as they move around their home. You will receive personalized recommendations based on their performance with mobility and care routines. This service is socially distanced, low stress and based on your availability and needs.


“I have been a therapist for many years. The Informed Caregiver has impressed me by remaining calm, informative and professional despite the difficulties of the patient”

— Patti H, OT Upper Extremity Specialist

personalized advice about driver safety

Virtual Driver Safety Consultation

Get your driving related questions answered in real-time. Receive specific, confidential advice and information about complex driving task. Get equipment and individualized care recommendations that work for you.


“My aunt needed a driver safety evaluation after an illness. The whole process was respectful & professional despite the bad news that she received. I was involved throughout so I knew exactly what was going on.”

— Don G, Family Member

Ongoing support for your complex situation

Caregiver Coaching
1:1 Training

If you’ve had a virtual consultation or want additional SPECIFIC information then 1:1 coaching is advised.

Book a visit due to an evolving situation. Caregiver coaching is available to you for whatever concerns you have

If you or your loved one had a change in status, a fall, a fracture, a new diagnosis, or an unusual change in behavior then ongoing caregiver coaching is what you need.

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